

Sermon Recordings

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/09/25 Standing on the Promises of God: Promise of Death Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0209-JakeS-ThePromiseofDeath.mp3
02/02/25 Interest of Others Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0202-JasonS-IntrestofOthers.mp3
01/26/25 Traditions Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0126-JasonS-Traditions.mp3
01/19/25 "If Anyone Adds to Them"- From Tickled Ears to Myths Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0119-JakeS-FromTickledEarstoMyths.mp3
01/12/25 The First Promise of God Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0112-JakeS-TheFirstPromiseofGod.mp3
01/05/25 Sincerity Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0105-JasonS-Sincerity.mp3
12/29/24 The Promised Servant Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1229-SunAM-JakeS-ThePromisedServant.mp3
12/22/24 Standing On the Promises of God - Past, Present, & Future Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1222-SunAM-JakeS-StandingOnThePromisesOfGod.mp3
12/15/24 Lessons From A Watchman Tim Boaz Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1215-TimB-LessonsFromEz.mp3
12/08/24 The Doctrine of Participatory Salvation Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1208-SunAM-JakeS-TheDoctrineofParticipatorySalvation.mp3
12/01/24 "Remember Those Who Led You..." Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1201-SunAM-JakeS-RememberThoseWhoLedYou.mp3
11/24/24 Happiness In Hebrew Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1124-SunAM-JasonS-HappinessInHebrews.mp3
11/17/24 Chain-Linked Sin Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1117-SunAM-JakeS-Chain-LinkedSin.mp3
11/10/24 Your Brethren Need You: From Discouragement to Encouragement Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1110-SunAM-JakeS-YourBrethrenNeedYou.mp3
11/03/24 Narrative Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1103-SunAM-JasonS-Narrative.mp3
10/27/24 Digital Dialogue & The Christian Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1027-SunAM-JakeS-DigitalDialogue.mp3
10/20/24 A Biblical Response to Christian Suffering Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1020-SunAM-JakeS-ABiblicalRespons_toChristianSuffering.mp3
10/13/24 Rechabites: History, Heart, & Heritage Jason Salyers Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1013-SunAM-JasonS-Rechabites.mp3
10/06/24 What Is Your Calling in Life? - The Holy Spirit's Powerful Call Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 1006-SunAM-JakeS-WhatIsYourCallingInLife.mp3
09/29/24 Adopted: From Children of Wrath to Chosen Heirs Jake Sturms Sermon N/A Sunday AM 0929-SunAM-JakeS-Adopted.mp3

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